A change of name deed is often referred to as a “Change Of Deed Poll” and is used to provide an official document which states you have formally changed your name. There are many reasons people change their name and it is important to know when a change of name deed is required such as driver’s license and passport.
After, marriage you can begin using your partners surname without officially having to enter into a change of name deed. However, you must provide a copy of your marriage certificate so as to provide proof of marriage.

The same goes for persons wanting to change their name back to their maiden name after a Decree of Absolute has been granted, following divorce proceedings and again you will be required to provide a copy of your birth certificate to show proof of your maiden name.
A change if name deed can be used to also change children’s surnames. However, it is important to note that every person holding parental responsibility for the child must provide their consent and or seek an order from the court granting permission to change the child’s name. Often referred to as a Specific Issues Order.
A change of name deed takes approximately 7 days and is legally binding in the United Kingdom.
Our family team has considerable experience in drafting change of name deeds for clients seeking to formally change their name. Our fees are also fixed so there are no hidden costs.
Please feel free to contact our family team on TBC to arrange an initial consultation and or email our enquiries line on TBC.